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Frøya Salmon and champagne beurre blanc

Pan fried salmon with champagne based beurre blanc, green beans and hasselbackpoteter potatoes


Ingredients for 4 people: Beans
  • 2 packs of green beans
  • 2 tbs good olive oil
  • 1 lemon
  Sauce; Beurre blanc with champagne
  • 50 g. butter
  • 2 finely chopped shallots
  • 4 dl of dry champagne or good quality sparkling wine
  • 3 dl of good fish stock
  • 5 dl whipping cream
  Hasselback potatoes
  • 12 medium sized potatoes
  • 6 tbs melted butter
  • ½ ts paprika
  • Salt and pepper
  For garnish
  • Salmon or trout roe
  • 1 lemon
  • Fresh herbs


Sauce: Beurre blanc with champagne
  1. Melt half the butter on medium heat and add the sharlots. Gently stir and sweat them until soft and translucent, but haven’t yet taken any colour
  2. Add the champagne and reduce down to half the volume
  3. Add the fish stock and reduce again to half the volume
  4. Add the cream and leave it to boil gently until combined well
  5. Pour the sauce through a fine mesh strainer to get rid of the onions
  6. Now bring the strained sauce to a quick boil. Then turn down the heat and whisk in the remaining butter little by litte to thicken the sauce. Avoid the sauce boiling or getting to hot or the sauce will split.
Hasselback potatoes
  1. Pre-heat your oven to 225 degrees Celcius. Prepare a roasting pan or ovenproof dish by greasing it with melted butter
  2. Peel the potatoes and slice off a bit of the bottom to make them sit flat on the tray.
  3. Make thin cuts almost all the way into the potatoes, but without slicing them. See the photo
  4. Place the potatoes in the roasting pan. Brush them with melted butter, then spinkle with salt, pepper and the paprika powder
  5. Cook the potatoes in the middle of the oven for 40-60 minutes until tender and dark golden in colour
Green beans
  1. Trim the beans by cutting of the stems
  2. Place them in boiling water for 2 minutes. Rinse them in cold water so they keep their colour.
  3. When ready to serve drizzle them with olive oil and a bit of lemon juice.
Frøya salmon
  1. Cut the salmon into portion sizes
  2. Fry them in a bit of oil and butter at medium to high heat for 2-3 minutes on each side. For the most succulent eating experience they should be almost raw in the centre – this is sushi grade salmon so no need to worry.
  3. Add salt and pepper and leave to rest for 3-5 minutes before serving.
Plating; When all is done place on pre-heated plates fish, potatoes and beans. Carefully heat the sauce before serving if necessary – don’t let it boil. Garnish with the roe


Grillet Laks med asparges og beurre blanc

BBQéd salmon with asparagus and beurre blanc

Perfect summer food!
Frøya is ideal for BBQíng directly on the steel grid without falling apart when cooked correctly.

The recipe
Frøya til fest; forrett med laks og trøffelchips

Frøya Salmon on truffle crisps

Truffle crisps topped with salmon, trout roe, caviar of Kalix, sour cream and Frøya Salmon

The recipe