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Salmon is healthy!

Farmed salmon is healthy and safe. This fact has been established time and again by food safety and nutritional authorities in the more than 110 countries where Norwegian salmon is imported. Salmon contains a number of nutrients that the human body requires including Vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids. 

Farmed salmon is healthy and safe. This fact has been established time and again by food safety and nutritional authorities in the more than 110 countries where Norwegian salmon is imported.


Helps build and maintain all the cells in your body. Proteins consist of different amino acids. Those that your body cannot produce on its own  have to come from your diet including seafood. They are called  essential amino acids. 

Omega 3-fatty acids

Help prevent and slow down development of cardiovascular deceases. They also function as essential building blocks in brain development.  

Vitamine A

Contributes to maintain eye sight as well a good immune response system. Also important for fetal development as well the ability to reproduce. 

Vitamine D

Required to obtain the right calcium balance in your body and essential for maintaining and strengthening the skeleton. The body only produces vitamine D when the skin is exposed to sun light. Vitamine D is a natural component in fatty fish such as salmon. 

Vitamine B12

Important enabler for your body to form new cells. Also important to help prevent anemia.


Essential for the bodys immune defence system as it helps compat damaging chemical processes in your body.  


Helps you maintain a normal metabolism. Iodine deficiency may lead to changes in the metabolism .  

Frøya does not contain antibiotics

Frøya is made from Norwegian salmon and as such is free from antibiotics. 
In the rare instances where salmon has to be prescribed antibiotics by a veterinarian, they are tested by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority prior to being harvested and sold into the market. This guarantees that no salmon sold contains antibiotics. Less than 2% of Norwegian salmon is treated with antibiotics. Antibiotic treatment in salmon production is reduced by 99 percent since 1987. Effective vaccines and preventative measures are the reasons why Norway’s aquaculture industry uses barely any antibiotics today. 

More facts about Frøya salmon:


Frøya obviously strives towards sustainability within all three dimensions of the concept; economic social, and environmental issues. First and foremost, however, we must abide by current rules and regulations.

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Frequently asked questions and answers about Frøya salmon

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